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Letanias book with guitar

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"Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another" (Pr. 27:12)


We weren’t meant to pursue our call to music in isolation.

And with The Hildegard Collective, you don't have to.

At The Hildegard Collective, we envision a new musical renaissance, with well-formed, Catholic musicians at the forefront of every musical field- and we invite YOU to be a part of it! We want to support you in fostering a unique network that is both professional and spiritual. Here’s how we achieve that-

FREE RESOURCES (because we believe that all musicians deserve to take ownership of their careers):


Fill your feed with curated inspiration for the Catholic musician (and some fun behind-the-scenes of running this ministry!).

Follow us on Facebook

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The intersections of faith and music, now filling your earbuds and soul! Tune in to the Little Sparks podcast, featuring The Hildegard Collective founders and former roommates Cecilia and Tara.

Listen to the Little Sparks Podcast


Think being a musician and Catholic are at odds? Our blog features practical advice and experiential wisdom from fellow musicians living their faith through their work.

Read Our Blog

Music Sheets and a Cross

But maybe you want more. Maybe you’re here because you crave community with like-minded musicians who love God and want to glorify Him through their art, their teaching, their service. You want to use your gifts to contribute to something bigger than yourself.


If that describes you, then The Hildegard Collective was made especially for you.

For only $10 a month (about as much as two Starbucks frappuccinos), you can become a member of The Hildegard Collective and receive access to: 


No more feeling alone. The Hildegard Collective Forum is a private space for Catholic musicians to connect, ask questions, and share advice with others who desire to keep Christ at the center of their profession!


Members receive access to quarterly book clubs! Get ready to dive into books on topics ranging from theology to creativity, musician biographies to Catholic spiritual classics. Each book club includes a few online meetings for discussion!


Grow your skills and your faith with our quarterly seminars! Our seminars feature seasoned professionals who share their expertise through a uniquely Catholic lens.

Join the Collective

Our forum and membership will be launching soon – join the waitlist below to be notified when we launch!

Thanks for joining our waitlist! We will reach out to you soon!

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